Take this opportunity to visit us at booth 200 to discuss your health and wellness management challenges one on one with our professionals.
Based on your needs, you will learn about leading-edge, practical, and effective health promotion and management tools you can put into place, all designed to empower individuals to better navigate the health care system:
- An easy-to-implement integrated web platform to enhance access to and usage of employee assistance and health management programs.
- Health navigation services, which are emerging as the most effective early intervention solution and employee-support tool.
- Stay Healthy at WorkTM: a unique early intervention, assistance, and coaching program aimed at reducing absenteeism by helping employees manage their health more effectively.
- integrative Health Risk Assessment (iHRA): a fresh design based on Canadian health guidelines and engagement best practices that enables organizations to rapidly gauge health risks within their employee population; it also enables organizations to target and implement healthy lifestyle promotion programs better aimed at their employees and employees’ families—while employees enjoy easy-to-answer questions specific to them and gain practical guidance to help them improve their health.
Novus Health offers a distinctive range of health and wellness services to employees and their families. Our products help people become better informed, navigate the health care system, adopt a healthier lifestyle, and take charge of not only their day-to-day health but also their more complex health needs.
Entry into the Exhibitors’ Hall is FREE and includes the choice of one of the three public conferences held at noon on Tuesday (meal not included). The Exhibitors’ Hall is open on Tuesday, April 15, between 7:30 a.m. and 4:15 p.m. To register for events or find out the registration fees, visit the conference website: http://lerassemblement.ca/2014/inscription/#exposants (French only).
The Rassemblement (French only) is the largest event of its kind in Québec, focusing on innovative approaches to organizational health and performance. It brings together all of stakeholders from the field of workplace health and addresses all related aspects, including promotion, early intervention, rehabilitation, and disability management.
We strive to simplify health management both for our clients and for their members, enabling individuals to take an interest in their health and to take action. Novus Health’s health-management and illness-prevention solutions are unique in the industry; they turn users into informed and savvy health consumers and enhance accessibility to resources—all centered on optimal health navigation.
Why is health navigation critical?
- Over half (55%) of Canadian workers suffer from chronic illness or the after-effects of a serious injury; furthermore, many Canadians count on their employer to help them navigate the bureaucratic complexities of the public and private health systems. (Source: The Sanofi Canada Healthcare Survey 2013.)
- Some 79% of people who took part in a Sanofi Canada survey said they expect some or significant assistance from the public health system; similarly, over 69% would like to see some or significant assistance from their benefit providers or employer. (Source: The Sanofi Canada Healthcare Survey 2013.)
- The average Canadian user spent 41.3 hours online in the fourth quarter of 2012. (Source : CBC News http://www.cbc.ca/news/technology/canadians-no-longer-the-biggest-web-addict-report-shows-1.1412059)
- According to a survey of 500 websites, only 39% provided the correct information to a question about common childhood ailments. (Source: CBC News — http://www.cbc.ca/news/health/story/2011/01/04/con-doctor-google.html)
- One Canadian in six (aged 15 and over) had difficulty accessing routine or ongoing health care as well as getting health information and advice. (Source: Health Care in Canada 2009: A Decade in Review, Canadian Institute for Health Information)
Read more about how we are changing the industry.