Technology with a Human Touch Helps Employees Stay Healthy at Work
Novus Health’s employee Health Coaching & Support program (Stay Healthy at Work™) integrates online health navigation information and intuitive tools with telephonic guidance by a health care professional. The result is an impactful employee assistance service that targets at-risk employees to help them improve their health.
A well-designed coaching program that combines the best of technology with the human touch of a compassionate health care professional can boost employee productivity and reduce costs associated with group insurance plans. But what is the key to a well-designed, effective program?
What employees need in a health support program
According to recent studies, a majority of employers and employees believe that workplace health programs are not as well suited to their needs as they could be.
How can workplaces target what their employees actually need—while keeping the program cost-effective for them? By offering a preventive approach that is both customizable and adaptive, combining online coaching and health management tools with access to comprehensive offline health care services.
By presenting this complete package to employees, employers can boost their population’s productivity while also reducing their own health care costs.
How Health Coaching & Support can help
The Novus Health Navigation Platform integrates a number of health self-management tools and informative health content, allowing employees to seek the help they need for their specific concerns.
One key to this strategy is the Health Coaching & Support program. A proactive, personalized coaching program to prevent absence and disability in the workplace, Health Coaching & Support puts the power for positive change in employees’ hands—with the following benefits:
- Preventive: By helping employees to target common risk factors before they lead to prolonged work absences and disability claims, Health Coaching & Support has a positive impact on employees’ well-being as well as enhancing workplace productivity for employers—and lowering their costs.
- Targeted: Studies have shown that certain risk factors are more likely to affect employees’ productivity in the workplace, with or without a related diagnosis. The tools offered through the Health Navigation Platform can target specific risk factors and symptoms and address them with employees before they can affect their workplace performance.
- Empowering: With a number of useful tools at employees’ disposal, including a symptom evaluator, promotional banners, informative articles, and information about health care services in their local area, the Health Navigation Platform drives employees to address their health issues in a way that works for them.
- Adaptive: What’s more, the one-on-one coaching and personalized goal-setting of the Health Coaching & Support program means that the care offered to employees is personalized. As they move through the program, employees are given goals that are achievable for them, keeping up their motivation for change.
Read more on the topic in a recent article about the benefits of health coaching. The piece appears in the June 2016 edition of Avantages magazine, and you can find it here.