As global citizens we should be aware of the pressing need to use antibiotics wisely. The overuse of antibiotics greatly reduces their effectiveness when you really need them. This is because bacteria, which antibiotics eradicate, can become resistant to them. The more we use antibiotics, the greater the levels of resistance. In other words, we should only take antibiotics when we need them. It’s best to work with our health care practitioners to ensure that there is a true benefit to taking them when we are sick.
It is also important to recognize that antibiotics do have immediate, direct negative consequences to our own health. We have many bacteria in our bodies that are actually advantageous, particularly in our gastrointestinal tract, where many bacteria are found on the lining of our intestines. We call these bacteria the microbiome. These good bacteria appear to play a role in keeping the intestinal lining healthy and even in helping us digest our food. There is a great deal of medical research going on right now that is looking at the relationship between the microbiome, our overall health, and the development of chronic diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome, obesity, and autoimmune diseases. Nothing has been proven yet but it would be prudent to be mindful of a potential association. Every time you take an antibiotic you alter your microbiome and this may have consequences to your health down the road. That is the best way to think about it!
Check out the Antibiotic Wise website to learn more about the proper use of antibiotics.
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