Novus Health is thrilled to be bringing Canadians more options in managing their health with the launch of a Canadian-based medical second opinion program.
We have developed a program that gives true value to Canadians who have recently been diagnosed with a serious or life-threatening health condition. Up until now, most medical second opinion services for insured Canadians have used US-based hospitals to provide the specialist for their opinions. Our program uses specialist physicians from highly regarded Canadian academic medical centres which uniquely benefits Canadians. Having an experienced Canadian academic physician with first-hand knowledge of the most up-to-date research and clinical trials fulfills the importance of having an expert review your case comprehensively. Our specialists have the added value of understanding the nuances of how medicine is delivered in Canada and what treatments are currently available and where. It is also quite likely that your Canadian treating physician will be familiar with the physician who is rendering the opinion, which can really help the follow-up as there is inherent trust and also the possibility of further collaboration on your case moving forward.
Finally, Novus Health’s deep understanding of how to navigate the Canadian health care system is invaluable in helping you and your doctor implement the suggestions of the second opinion you receive. We are your advocate for the entire process. If your medical condition does not qualify for the medical second opinion then you are not left without options: we will provide you with personalized health information and advice on how you and your doctor can optimally manage your health.
We are very proud of our truly Canadian program and the new opportunities it offers Canadians for taking care of their health!
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